Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kelly's famous Asian marinade

One way I'm able to take a huge package of chicken and not get sick of it is that I cook it and marinate it in all different ways. I've used the marinade below for everything from salmon to chicken. The ingredients might sound expensive, but I promise you that they'll last for quite some time and this recipe is one you'll be repeating!

Kelly's Famous Asian Marinade

  • Microwave safe bowl
  • 1/3 c. soy sauce (low sodium works great!)
  • 2 T. sesame oil (dark or roasted works best)
  • 3. T honey
  • 1 T. minced garlic*
  • 1 T. minced ginger*
  • 1 chopped green onion
*If you're in a rush - you can just slice these into big chunks and throw them in the marinade- it works just as well!

Microwave for about 40 seconds to melt honey into marinade and stir with a whisk. Pour into Gallon-size Ziploc freezer bag and add salmon/chicken/veggies/random meat and marinate for at least 4 hours in the fridge (I marinate mine overnight and do not worry- it will color the meat if marinated that long!).


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