I'm most comfortable in workout clothes.
I realized this today as I was perusing Gap on my lunch hour, hoping desperately for a cute top to wear to my convention in Vegas (work appropriate or after-hours, really, I'm flexible).
Twenty minutes later, I walked out of Gap Body with new running capris, three new workout tanktops and a single, solitary sweater that I couldn't resist the color of but didn't fit either of my Vegas categories. What on Earth?
Then I thought back over the past two months... and realized - I've been doing this for two months! Going shopping and ending up with tons of new workout stuff - and really not much else. I'm lucky that my office is flexible with our wardrobe requirements as several of my outfits lately have incorporated my new favorite tanktop: http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=23279&vid=1&pid=807564&scid=807564002 in several different colors - all under one of the seemingly hundred cardigans I own.
Sometimes, if it's Friday, I even incorporate my workout shoes - http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/products/Five-Fingers-Bikila-Womens.htm
Thank God, I haven't reached the realm of wearing my skintight workout pants yet.
Crossfit obviously matters to you. This just proves it. Great job staying focused! ;p